Dillinger heavy plates for Fluxys H2 project
„HDD Opwijk Desteldonk“
A new pipeline between Desteldonk and Opwijk, Belgium
A concrete step to accelerate the energy transition
The infrastructure operator Fluxys Belgium has put a new pipeline into operation between Desteldonk and Opwijk. This pipeline initially increases security of supply for Belgium and neighboring countries within the framework of changed gas flows. It is also an important step towards realizing Fluxys’ energy transition ambitions. It is the first strategic investment for hydrogen transport in Belgium. In short, it is a dual purpose pipeline.
The new pipeline runs parallel to the existing natural gas pipeline between Desteldonk and Opwijk and has a total length of 44 kilometers. The work began in March 2023 and continued until the end of 2023.
This expansion of Fluxys’ network capacity is crucial given the changing structure of European gas supply. This pipeline is also the first concrete step in Fluxys’ ambition to accelerate the energy transition.
The pipeline is fully future-proof and will be available for hydrogen transport at a later stage once part of the market switches from natural gas to hydrogen.
The LSAW pipes of grade L415ME were provided by Europipe. The pipes were produced with 9.500 t of heavy plates from Dillinger; the plate widths were up to 3,1 m.